What makes us so reliable as electricians in Medway & Maidstone?

By Kevin Holloway
reliable electrician in Rochester

Reliable electricians in Medway and Maidstone

Have you been let down by a contractor before? Experienced the frustration of waiting in all day for no reason?

So have we! So we try our absolute best to prevent it from happening!

We value our clients time, just like they value our time. But it wasn't always this way. We've got to be honest - double bookings, forgotten bookings, turning up at the wrong address, calling the wrong number - it's all happened before. And it's a terrible feeling to let people down - which is why we've developed our 6 step customer experience process to make sure we keep tabs on your project the whole way through. And it works! But we've got to be super honest here, the probability is that somewhere, at some point, it will likely happen again. But they are now few and far between.

Would you like to hear more about our 6-step customer experience process? We're really quite proud of it, and we live by it. Let's jump right into it.

Initial Contact

As a new customer, you can find your way to us through a variety of different channels. Phone calls, emails, message over social media, and all the rest of it. At some point in the early stages, we'll grab some details such as the address of the property in question, and some contact details so we can get back in touch with you as the project progresses. This snapshot is then logged onto our database and that acts as the heart of all our project management and operations.


Once we've got to know you, we want to know more about what sort of work you require to be done. We may even be able to quote you there an then over the phone and book one our reliable electricians in, or we may need to send one of our registered electricians to survey the works and discuss with you how you picture the end result to be. We'll explore ideas with you, give advice on what works and what previous clients have had done, and sometimes we have to give our clients a little reality check on what is actually realistic and achievable!


The smaller jobs can usually be quoted over the phone, but for the larger or more complex works we'll need to gain further clarity in order to provide an accurate picture of what the works will cost. When we provide a quote it is an accurate representation of the works to be done, and the resources we need to allocate to get the job done effectively. During the quotation visit we like to highlight the potential pitfalls and minimise them, to save any future surprises. We're not ones to hit our clients with the hidden charges or additional costs - which is why we take a reasonable approach to allocating the resources required.

Operations & Completion

Once you're all booked in - you're booked in. Nothing, not even the (well we might be exaggerating a little bit here) big man in the sky himself, can move that booking. Our registered electricians live by their diaries, so if we have a time slot allocated to you, you can be certain we'll be there in the time frame provided - and if we're running late, we'll let you know at the earliest possible moment. We're able to perform this way ultimately for two reasons:

1) We're professionals and we do our best to act accordingly

2) We allocate the right amount of time to jobs, and buffers between jobs, in case we do indeed overrun. 

When we arrive, you'll have the delight of meeting your experienced electrician who will talk you through what will be happening during the visit. We'll then get to work on the job at hand, and hopefully provide you with a great (albeit possibly noisy) experience with one of our professional and polite operators.

Once the work is completed or the day is done, we'll tidy up after ourselves - almost to the point that we were never even there! We'll then log the completed onto our database.


The not so exciting bit! Upon completion, and our clients being happy with the work carried out, we'll send the invoice to be paid. More often that not - the amount is due that very day!

Aftermath & Aftercare

Once all is done, all is not done. We might have certificates to produce, building control to notify, and we have our guarantees to stand by! We offer 1 years guarantee on workmanship, our suppliers offer the manufacturer's guarantee which is usually 1-5 years, and being a client of an NICEIC registered electrical contractor, you benefit from their 6 year platinum promise, an insurance-backed scheme that the NICEIC hold their registrants accountable to. 

And not only that, we want to hear from you! We love catching up with previous clients, and ultimately, from the first point of contact we want this to be a genuine, long lasting friendship.


Are you looking for a reliable electrician near you? Do you need a professional local electrician? Techmeisters Ltd is a family ran electrical contractor in Medway & Maidstone, offering a wide range of electrical solutions for residential and commercial customers. Whether you need electrical troubleshooting, office wiring, lighting installation, or anything in between, we have the skills and experience to assist.

Techmeisters Ltd is more than just "an electrician near me". We are a trusted partner for all your electrical needs. Whether you need electrical repair, maintenance, or installation, we can help you achieve your wishes and wants, and hopefully well exceed your expectations.

If you're ready to work with us, contact us today to get a free quote or schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you and serving you with excellence.

call us today on 01622 277 321